Monday, January 17, 2011

Rylan's Room Re-do

For about a year and a half now, since Rylan could string a sentence together, she has wanted a purple bedroom.

We went to Home Depot a long time ago and picked out a few purple samples. Once we got home we taped them all up on the wall and let Rylan decide. (Truth: I cut all of the absolute "no's" off of the sample and taped the yeses and maybes to the wall. Shhhh... don't tell Rylan!)

Rylan's choice was a nice light grey-lavender (Behr's Purple Veil) and I was quite pleased with her selection.

A few months later, we finally got around to painting it. What a difference! Her room feels so bright and airy now... who knew beige was so dark!?

I'm still working on finding new bedding, but we did manage to get a bookshelf and mirror set up in place of a dresser. The girls spend a lot of time in there "reading" and putting Dora and Diego down for naps. Next up Tatum's room. I've got some big ideas for her tiny little space.

Click to enlarge... and ignore the flood curtains in Rylan's old room. I had good intentions of adding something to the bottom of them... and never did!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! This post is very Young House Love-ish, love it!
