Monday, May 25, 2009

Entry numero uno!

Well, here I am. I did it. I created a blog!
So I guess I should start by telling you a bit about myself...
I have been married for 5.5 years. I'm a mom of 1.5 children. The first, a 17 month old daughter named Rylan. The second one, due to arrive in about 13 weeks. I have a 7 year old pug named Lily.

Any mom out there knows that once you become a mom, your brain changes dramatically.
During pregnancy we have the "pregnancy brain" excuse for why we can't remember anything. Then the baby gets here and there is yet another dramatic brain transformation to "baby brain"!
All you can think about is... your baby. All you want to talk about is... your baby. You can't hear anything unless someone is talking to you about... you guessed it, your baby.

To prove my point, before April 27th 2007 (the day my pee told me I was going to be a mom), all I could think and talk about was work. I had just finished a 3 year journey to become a paramedic. The best job in the world, until December 22nd, 2007 that is. That's the day I started my new position as Mom. My focus has shifted to my little girl. All of a sudden, climbing the seniority list, getting a full-time spot, getting someone to pay for my boots (!) and benefits didn't seem important at all! Don't get me wrong, I still love my job, but I love being a mom more.

I am in a typing mood today... I could just keep going and going! When are you supposed to stop a blog entry? I have some blog etiquette to learn!

I mentioned earlier that I have 13 or so weeks left until I meet our second baby. We know what the sex is, but nobody else knows. It is driving my dad absolutely nuts that he doesn't know! It's been sort of fun to keep people guessing. I have been working on my facial expressions so I don't give anything away before the big day!

This pregnancy has been rather tough on me. I think I had my head in the toilet more for Rylan, but I definitely feel like I am falling apart this time around. I have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. Sounds gross doesn't it? Basically, my pelvis has separated a bit too much at the front which causes a lot of discomfort. I can hear my bones cracking and rubbing... ugh... it's gross, even for me!
I am on sick leave now, for 15 weeks until I start my maternity leave. I LOVE having the opportunity to spend this time at home with my daughter... but it's exhausting! Especially when I can't move around as freely as I am used to.

Anyway, I found an article I want to read before bed. I read a similar one in Time Magazine quite a few months ago and it has been on my mind ever since. It's about maternal mortality rates during pregnancy and childbirth in Africa and Asia. I would like to start to raise money to help get woman the proper prenatal and birthing care they require. That's a goal I will start working on soon... I hope! Check it out if you would like:

Good night, I'm sure I will be back soon!

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