Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sorry for the delay!

Well, after a month + long hiatus on the ol' blog... I'm back!

I could quickly fill you in on the last month, but I can't remember anything!!

How about I fill you in on the last few days? Let's start with yesterday morning...
I woke up at 6:30 to "Hi Momma!" and about 50 adorable little foot thumps from her room to ours. So cute!
Anyway, I went pee, same thing I do every morning and about 2-3 times in the night. I returned to bed with my happy little family for some snuggle time. That's when it hit me, I had to pee again! I felt like I had a full bladder again. How is that possible? It had literally been 30 seconds since I left the bathroom! I thought maybe it was a weird pregnancy thing and that maybe the baby was using my bladder as a stress release ball. So I got up and went to the bathroom again. This time nothing... but the feeling wouldn't disappear! I knew something was up, I thought maybe a UTI or bladder infection, common during pregnancy.
I waited until 8am to call my Dr. and make an appointment. The earliest I could be seen was 1:15 that afternoon. No problem. This feeling would be annoying, but not a huge deal. Rylan and I sat down and ate our cereal and I had a nice red raspberry tea. All of a sudden I started getting some really intense cramping on the left side of my abdomen. It kept getting worse and worse. I started to get freaked out a little bit. Could this be labour? I'm only 32 weeks, 4 days, how big would my baby be? Would he/she be able to breathe on their own yet? The pain kept getting worse, and worse, and worse! Tony was just getting ready to leave for work when I burst into the bedroom and told him that he had to take me to the hospital, and NOW! We packed up Rylan and headed off on the longest trip to the hospital of my life. Everyone was driving so slow, we hit every red light, everyone seemed to want to make a left turn in front of us. The pain kept getting worse, and moving into my back. Could this be kidney stones? Or is it back labour? My poor baby, he/she isn't ready to come out yet!
We get to St. Joe's and the nausea hit me. Tony was stopped at the 4 way stop and I just got out and headed to the door way. I probably could have used the extra 30 seconds in the car... because I got into the lobby and barfed my red tea and cornflakes all over the floor just past the revolving door. Not at all embarassing!! A lady came up to me and told me not to worry about it, housekeeping would be down to clean it up (sorry housekeeping!!) and pointed me in the direction of the bathroom. After I was sure there couldn't possibly be anymore tea/cornflakes left in my system I made a mad dash for the elevator.
I made it all the way to the triage desk and I must have looked pretty bad because they took me ahead of everyone else in line and got me into a room right away.
They put me on the monitors and sure enough I was contracting, but not regularly, and not badly enough to be causing that much pain. It was intense, like nothing I have ever experienced before in my life, or like anything I would ever want to experience again! I couldn't function, I couldn't cope, it was horrible. So after a few minutes that felt like eternity, I got some morphine. Phewf right? Wrong! It didn't even touch the pain!
They brought in a portable ultrasound machine and quickly checked the baby. Everything looked perfect or so they told me afterwards. The morphine kicked my ass and I couldn't keep my eyes open to watch! Tony said the baby was sucking it's thumb, breathing and scored an 8/8.
After a few hours I went down to radiology where they did an ultrasound on my kidneys. They couldn't see any stones, but they also couldn't see everything they wanted to because of the way the baby was positioned. I did have some dilation and fluid in my left kidney, which is sometime normal during pregnancy, if it was happening to my right kidney. But no obvious stones.
I still couldn't even keep a sip of water down, so they started an IV and decided I should stay over night. I already missed Rylan like you wouldn't believe... she went home with my mom shortly after we got to L & D.
I had the worst nights sleep I have had in a long time. I was up every hour and counting down until Tony was bringing Rylan to see me in the morning. Not to mention I was so uncomfortable because of my back pain. Around 1:30am I buzzed the nurse for some pain meds... I really hate doing that. I felt like a whiney baby! She was super nice and brought them right away with some ice chips and a giant styrofoam cup of water (I love those cups!). I slept for a good 3 hours in a row before having to get up to pee.
That's when I felt them... the stones... they were making their way down the path. They weren't quite ready to come out yet, but they were getting closer!
By 7:30 in the morning, the first one reared it's ugly head. I was actually kind of proud! I did it... it's out. There can only be one right? Then a couple of hours later, after my lovely visit with my beautiful daughter and Tony, and after my clear fluid breakfast (if you can even call it breakfast!) I had to pee again. This time it was 2 for the price of one! 2 stones came out... and I did it without any meds!
Again I felt proud... I wanted to take pictures of them, or even bring them home! Don't worry... I didn't!
Anyway, after a few short naps and a couple of hours of surfing facebook from my phone I was told I could go home at around 4:30. What a great feeling! I immediately called Tony, who was in a work golf tournament, to see if he could come get me. He said yes, but I could tell he didn't really want to leave the tourny. So I threw in a little guilt trip and called my dad to come get me instead. I mean seriously... your wife is in the hospital, pregnant with your baby, passing large, rough, spikey objects through tubes that are for fluid only, and you hesitate to leave your golf tournament?!! I'm sure most wives would have thrown a hissy fit about even going instead of sitting with them in the hospital. I thought I was being decent but just asking for a lift home!
Before anyone tells him how bad of a move that was, he did come and get me, and in record time. I find guilt works well with Tony ;)
Well, I am home now, and ready for bed. I can't wait to lay my head down on my own pillow!
Thanks for listening!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you've really had a rough go at things! It's all worth it when the baby comes though, right? Hope you're feeling better soon!
