Monday, August 17, 2009

11 days?? Really??

So I just thought I would log on here and give a bit of an update on life... and that's when it hit me. I just saw my pregnancy ticker on the side of the page that said, "11 days left". 11 days?!!! That's not enough time! I am ready, most days. Yesterday I was definitely ready, today I'm sort of ready and tomorrow I will probably be far from ready!! Ok, I think my heart rate is coming back down now... wow... 11 days!

My brother called this weekend. It was sooooo great to hear his voice!! The first words out of my mouth that morning to Tony were, "I miss my brother. I wish he would call." A few hours later, my wish came true! He has a scheduled date to leave Afghanistan on October 22! Hopefully it doesn't change. We are planning on taking another road trip out to see him when he gets off of the plane/bus. I CAN'T WAIT!! I think we may have to consider flying this time. We will have a 22 month old and an approximately 2 month old. 16 hours in the car might be a little too much to ask. Plus I don't know if I could handle it again so soon myself. I'm not sure how Kev does it! Rylan made Kevin a drawing and we both wrote him a little letter to send over to him. When I was talking to him I asked him if there was anything he needed... he said no and that his favourite part about receiving packages from us were the letters and notes. So I have decided that he will be getting a note/letter from this house every week! We will write them and send them weekly, but he could get 2-4 weeks worth all at once because we just send everything to Belleville and then a military plane brings it to Afghanistan. If anyone needs his address I will post it. Send him a letter!!

F82782989 Cpl McFarlane KJ

PO BOX 5058 Station Forces

Belleville, ON K8N 5W6

Rylan has really been growing up quickly over the last few weeks it seems. She has started stringing sentences together. The first sentence she put together was, "Mommy e two elbas". Which translates to Mommy has two elbows! Just last night she held up two fingers in a peace sign and said, "two!". She has the best look on her face when she knows she has accomplished something really great.

We had a great weekend by the pool. Finally some great summer weather! We had a BBQ get-together on Friday night with a few friends and their children. It was pretty hectic but fun! All the babies got together for a photo op... thanks to Laura for catching a good one! Ours didn't turn out so great!
Aren't they the cutest?! From L-R we have Claudia (3.5 months), Kristopher & Aubrey (4.5 months), Michael (18.5 months), Rylan (19.5 months), Lauren (3) and David (14 months).

It was really cool to watch Rylan interact with everyone. She really seemed to look up to Lauren. They were giving each other high fives and jumping on the bed together... fun times!

Tony's picture is in the London Free Press today! Him and another colleague represented LIBA and donated 50 fleece blankets to the Rotholme Family Shelter. (He's on the left!)
Well, it's time to jump in the shower and hopefully distract Rylan with some Treehouse so I can shower alone! She likes to get in the shower with me... but wants to be held! It's tricky washing your hair with one hand while holding a 27lb child with a medicine ball as a belly! I am trying to get back on here more regularly. If I am still pregnant by Friday I will have Tony take another belly picture (@ 39 weeks). If not, I will get one right before I leave for the hospital like I did with Rylan. Here is the latest picture of my belly...
36 weeks (2 weeks ago)

1 comment:

  1. I'm addicted to blogging ... keep it up. I love hearing about what's going on in your life.
