Friday, November 20, 2009

My perfect life with my perfect girls!

It has been almost 3 months since Tatum joined our family. It has flown by! I thought time flew when Rylan was an infant, but it goes by 2x as fast with the second one. Which is why my blog entries have been non-existent!

I think I expected things to be a lot more difficult with 2 under 2 than they actually are. Rylan loves Tatum or "baby sista" or "Tee-um" as she is so affectionately called. And Tatum stares at Rylan, smiling multiple times a day. I really hope that they become the best of friends. I know that there will be many fights in the process, I too had a sister, but the bond between sisters is something only sisters know.

I feel so lucky... Tatum has been sleeping through the night since she was 6 weeks old. She eats last at 9:30pm, falls asleep around 11pm and gets up at 8am! Now if I could get Rylan to sleep in past 6:30am my life would be set!

Today we planned on going to Port Huron to pick up my Joovy Caboose stroller.

By the time we got up, changed, fed, changed, fed, changed and out the door, it was noon!! I got a lunch packed for Rylan and everyone in the car and headed off. We stopped at the bank and then to TH for some "teebas" (Timbits) and a tea. I punched in the address of where we were going into the GPS and it said we were 2 hours away. I stopped for a second, thought for bit... and turned around and brought everyone home! I wasn't up for that kind of drive today. I thought it would take me just over and hour to get there. Then we would pick up the stroller, hit up Target and be home before Tony got home from work... that didn't happen!

Our house is so trashed too. I don't have the energy for the deep clean my house so desperately needs. I am tempted to hire someone to come in and help me catch up. There are days when I'm in cleaning mode... but usually just as I'm getting into it, someone will wake up or be hungry. We are getting our carpets steam cleaned next week so that will give me incentive to pick up toys at least. Speaking of toys, our toy room is nearing completion! Today my dad and Kevin put up most of the drywall. There are just a few fiddly pieces left to go up and hopefully Kevin and Tony can do that tomorrow. Then there is taping, mudding, sanding, more sanding, priming, painting, flooring, baseboards and moving day for all of the toys in our house! I can't wait to take my living room back!!

Well, Tatum is hungry again! This will be her last meal of the day (knock on wood) and then I should have a couple of hours to myself before I hit the hay!

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