Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Terrible, terrible Tuesday

I don't know how else to describe the day, or more like the morning, we had today.
Today just started off differently. Normally, Tony and I lay in bed until the absolute last minute possible and are usually joined by 1 if not 2 kids. Not today. We were both up and getting ready before either child had even opened their eyes.
Tatum was the first one up so we plopped her in her high chair while I rushed around like a crazy person before heading to work. Tony had given her a few toys to play with to keep her occupied. I just happened to glance over at her when I saw this horrible look of distress on her face and she was turning a shade of red... she started gagging.
I rushed over, ripped her out of her seat, flipped her onto her stomach and started giving back blows to bring up whatever was obstructing her airway. I kept checking, still obstructed and now she was going from red to blue. Tony was just getting into the shower, so he couldn't hear me calling for his help so I grabbed Tatum and ran for the bathroom to get him. I stopped halfway to continue back blows, still obstructed. Drool with blood was pouring out of her mouth and the look in her eyes made my stomach churn like nothing before. I got to Tony and STILL hadn't removed the obstruction. Tony called 911 and I kept trying. I must say, calling 911, as a paramedic, IN UNIFORM, felt very odd! While Tony was talking to dispatch I felt her take a deep breath and then start to chew on something. I looked, still didn't see anything but decided to feel around anyway and got it! It was a piece of scotch tape... I hate scotch tape right now. All gifts from me will be wrapped with any other kind of tape!
I keep reliving this morning events over and over and it makes me sick. We HAVE to be way more careful now that Tatum is mobile and puts everything in her mouth. My heart aches every time I think of her little face... Thankfully, she's perfectly fine now!! Just keeping us on our toes!


  1. OMG Paula! My worst nightmare...and I don't even have kids of my own yet!! Poor Tatum. I can't imagine what she was thinking! Thank God you were the observant mom you are! Did you take her to the hospital anyway?

  2. I'm glad Tatum is well!! Very scary-yes every parent's worse fear. Again, I'm so glad to hear everything turned out alright. Hope to see you and the family again soon!

  3. What an awful way to start a day! I'm so glad everything was okay and that you knew exactly what you needed to do in that situation though! I propose a mass Scotch tape burning party!

  4. This had to be the scariest moment of your lives! I'm so happy that she is okay. I can't imagine what you must have been feeling. It's a sad story, but a good message for all the new parents about how easy things can change! x0x0x

  5. oh man.. this could happen to anyone - Bryce chocked once at daycare and the tag in his crib. She had to put her hand in his throat and pull it out. I was traumatized and I wasn't even there. Scotch tape though - that's an odd one. Where did she get it from? Stuck to a toy from a birthday party or something? I want to know so I can prevent it! But no matter what we do we can't prevent everything and its a blessing you knew to do the back thrusts - not many people do, that's why I renew my CPR and First Aid when necessary. Little Tatum is OK thank goodness and everyone is happy! Are you ok? Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. Or Tony's fault for giving her toys. These things just happen. God Bless you and your adorable little family! I am happy everyone is ok.

  6. Thanks everyone! We have no idea where the tape came from. It could have been stuck to anything and of course she's at the age where everything goes in her mouth. I was panicked and I know what to do. I couldn't imagine what I would have been feeling had a I not known. They should teach CPR/First Aid in pre-natal classes... and then we might actually take something valuable away from the classes. Don't get me started on pre-natal classes... I'll save that for another time!
